Get Life Inc How Corporatism Conquered the World and How We Can Take It Back
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Book Details :
Published on: 2011-01-04
Released on: 2011-01-04
Original language: English
Now includes “The Life Inc. Guide to Reclaiming the Value You Create”In Life Inc, award-winning writer Douglas Rushkoff traces how corporations went from being convenient legal fictions to being the dominant fact of contemporary life. The resulting ideology, corporatism, has infiltrated all aspects of civics, commerce, and culture—from the founding of the first chartered monopoly to the branding of the self, from the invention of central currency to the privatization of banking, from the Victorian Great Exhibition to the solipsism of Facebook. Life Inc explains why we see our homes as investments rather than places to live, our 401(k) plans as the ultimate measure of success, and the Internet as just another place to do business. Most important, Rushkoff illuminates both how we’ve become disconnected from our world and how we can reconnect to our towns, to the value we can create, and, mostly, to one another. As the speculative economy collapses under its own weight, Life Inc shows us how to build a real and human-scaled society to take its place. Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of ... Does a shadowy group of obscenely wealthy elitists control the world? Do men and women with enormous amounts of money really run the world from behind the scenes? The Informer: A New History of America - Love for Life We Stand For NO SYSTEM . Kindom (Do No Harm Communities) is the dream for freedom but it is the dream for the freedom of those around us who also live the dream of ... Albert Pike's 3 World Wars Letter Hoax As useful as the Three World Wars letter is for those with a conspiratorial world view it simply does not stand up to scrutiny and makes anyone who uses it with a ... Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco The New York Review of Books In my country today there are some who say that the War of Liberation was a tragic period of division and that all we need is national reconciliation. Nazism - Wikipedia National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) Sturmabteilung (SA) Schutzstaffel (SS) Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) Hitler Youth (HJ) Deutsches Jungvolk (DJ) USAvsUS If the corporate gov't says they can't meet the budget or need to cut back services they are not telling you the whole Truth so as to get more money from you. Orrin Woodward: Amway/Quixtar Whistleblower Dan Hawkins ... What is the truth about Orrin Woodward and his past relationship with Amway/Quixtar? Is Orrin a hero or just another person out for personal success at the expense of ... Book Review: Manufacturing Consent Slate Star Codex I. Consider: It is our view that among their other functions the media serve and propagandize on behalf of the powerful societal interests that controlthem. Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in Braunau am Inn a town in Austria-Hungary (in present-day Austria) close to the border with the German Empire. He was one ... TPH Past Guests H-N - The Power Hour HACKENBERG DAVID - Beekeeper of 44 years and owner of a major beekeeping operation details the numerous challenges being faced on behalf of all American beekeepers.
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